
The DRAKON language applications in programming and medicine
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Автор:  Владимир Паронджанов [ Понедельник, 26 Июль, 2021 23:48 ]
Заголовок сообщения:  The DRAKON language applications in programming and medicine

The DRAKON language applications in programming and medicine. 44 p.


What's inside?

Efanov S. Unexpected meeting. How I got acquainted with DRAKON

Nadišauskienė R. J., Dobožinskas P., Jasinskas N., Kumpaitienė B.,
Kliučinskas M., Kudrevičienė A., Pukenytė E. Dambrauskas Z.,
Vileikytė A., Vaitkaitis D. DRAKON language in medical care and
education as the crucial part of HybridLab® method

Garipov O. Taking a glance at real programming code through
the lens of DRAKON language

Valevich B. About DRAKON editors by Stepan Mitkin

Mitkin S. I want to program in DRAKON. Is that possible?

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