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Replacing Russian Rocket Engine Isn’t Easy, Pentagon Says By Tony Capaccio May 1, 2014 8:01 AM GMT+0400
The Pentagon has no “great solution” to reduce its dependence on a Russian-made engine that powers the rocket used to launch U.S. military satellites, the Defense Department’s top weapons buyer said.
“We don’t have a great solution,” Frank Kendall, the undersecretary of defense for acquisition, said yesterday after testifying before a Senate committee. “We haven’t made any decisions yet.”
Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel ordered the Air Force to review its reliance on the rocket engine after tensions over Russia’s takeover of Ukraine’s Crimea region prompted questions from lawmakers about that long-time supply connection. United Launch Alliance LLC, a partnership of Lockheed Martin Corp. (LMT) and Boeing Co. (BA), uses the Russian-made RD-180 engine on Atlas V rockets.
Among the options the Air Force is outlining for Hagel are building versions in the U.S. under an existing license from the Russian maker or depending only on Delta-class rockets that use another engine, Kendall said. The U.S. also could accelerate the certification of new companies to launch satellites that don’t use the Russian engine, he said.
Elon Musk, the billionaire owner of Space Exploration Technologies Corp., a Hawthorne, California-based company that’s trying to break into the military launch market, said at a March 5 congressional hearing that launches may be at risk because of dependence on the Russian engine.
‘Very Dependent’ SpaceX claimed in a complaint filed April 28 in the U.S. Court of Federal Claims in Washington that the Air Force illegally shut it out of the market for military satellite launches by giving a monopoly to the joint venture of Chicago-based Boeing and Bethesda, Maryland-based Lockheed.
The Air Force review, which hasn’t been submitted to Hagel, found that the Russian company, NPO Energomash, is “very dependent on their sales to us,” Kendall said. “That company really needs the sales. From that side of it, we’re in pretty good shape.”
The options for minimizing a cutoff have drawbacks, such as harnessing the time and know-how to build the engines in the U.S. and limited production capability for the Delta rocket, Kendall said.
The United Launch Alliance has stockpiled about a two-year supply of the engines based on the current planned satellite launch schedule, Pentagon spokeswoman Maureen Schumann said in an e-mail in March.
The joint venture is also taking delivery of five more engines this year, ULA spokeswoman Jessica Rye said in an e-mailed statement.
To contact the reporter on this story: Tony Capaccio in Washington at
Commentskenezen • an hour agoFor America, the original "Heavy Lift" Kings of the universe, with our shuttles gone, to beg at the feet of the Russians for rides and sale of their rockets even when we have such strained relations is a bigger gaffe than Benghazi! Before this President we had the finest heavy lift capability on Earth! Now we have only Russia who we pay massive amounts of money to get their older rockets while they continue with our tax money to leap ahead of us in space development. The Chinese are getting ready to leap ahead as well. We are economically poorer and militarily incapable of competing in the next battlefield.
We have poorer and less middleclass, no industrial production of any real size and now no Heavy Lift capability to compete militarily in space with our two primary adversaries. WoW what a Presidency!
Mike > kenezen • an hour agoYes very 'original' indeed. I wonder if there is a plaque somewhere stating the 'original' heavy lift program is mostly thanks to all the Nazi scientists working for the Americans ...
Never underestimate the Russians. Their rockets are very good, cheaper and very dependable. Right now they are the better of the U.S so it's time to man up and build something better.
Certainly don't underestimate the Chinese. They practically invented rockets. Even back in the 60's they came up with the first ballistic missle system. And they're very capable now in the high hypersonic range these days. No need for a Internation space station the Chinese have their own. They do lack experience in space but their technology is about to leap frog.
Do NOT blame the president for this. If Lockheed and Boeing say let's buy and use Russian rockets? Who gives the OK to that? Congress. If something like SpaceX comes along and say lets build our own? They get blocked ... And not by the president.
Now if SpaceX does deliver on its promise it will put the U.S on 1st place again. And you may want to check out the Evolved Expendable Launch Vehicle (EELV) as well when it comes to U.S rockets.
see more1 △ ▽
Christopher Perrera • an hour ago We Amerikanz should hang our heads in shame. The world hates us, says we deserve out police state. We are a joke, no space program, failing dollar, no plans, not 1 single unified goal, no space race, no viable currency, the $ is being dropped. We were told by the Russians to get a "Big Trampoline" if you keep up the sanctions. If I were Russian, I would cut the US off, sanction our space efforts. Shoot down our satellites and then invade us. We are the #1 threat to world peace.
I hate what this nation has become.
Valery Irkutsk • 2 hours ago Hahaha. Stupid yankee))
Mike Hillsgrove • 2 hours ago I stand amazed that this once great nation could have been betrayed by our so called leadership and destroyed as a technology nation in such a short time. Washington's visionless ideal has made us a nation of dependent freeloaders and has punished and blocked innovators and those that "do".
Fixing this is easy. You build the rocket motor HERE! Let us create, let us innovate, let us make something better and faster.
Mike > Mike Hillsgrove • an hour agoIf fixing it is so easy then where are your blueprints for the new rocket motor to be built here?
Go put the blame on congress for allowing russian rockets to be bought and used greasing their own pockets.
And if you get one innovator on the market investing mostly his own money in giving the U.S it's own rocket engines and know how? Ofcourse you
disqus_wjUQ81ZDum > Mike • 40 minutes ago Wonder if they will consider dusting off the RS-84 or TR-107 engines.
Mike > disqus_wjUQ81ZDum • 28 minutes ago SpaceX can do alot to help if it delivers on it's promise of reuseable rocketsystems.
The Pentagon wants the Evolved Expendable Launch Vehicle (EELV) but if it gets it or not is basically up to Congress.
Both SpaceX and EELV are working on a 'human-rating' for their rocketsystems but that is still a big IF if your up in ISS and would like a ride home.
I'm pretty sure SpaceX could rig a cargo capsule to get them back home if push comes to shove. Though it won't be the most comfortable ride ever.
jerryJ • 2 hours ago EVIDENTALLY, Congress/Senate isnt getting enough "KICKBACKS" !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Victor8x10 • 6 hours ago So our once proud U.S. space program now has us eating out of the Russian hands, and has left the U.S. with no manned access to space!? Where is our nation's leadership? Asleep at the wheel, that's where. My vote for the next President will go the candidate that promises to restore our once proud space program.
E C Holm > Victor8x10 • 4 hours ago Don't wait for Presidential Candidate, the problem has been Congress for the last 30 years. SpaceX to the rescue.....
kenezen > E C Holm • an hour agoPrivate, without government participation like military aircraft, doesn't make it for "Heavy Lift"
Look up the term! It takes the same combination.